Second front wwii
Second front wwii

second front wwii

  • Allied victory in North Africa enables invasion of Italy to be launched.
  • second front wwii

    Surrender at Stalingrad marks Germany's first major defeat.Mass murder of Jewish people at Auschwitz begins.American naval victory at Battle of Midway, in June, marks turning point in Pacific War.Singapore falls to the Japanese in February - around 25,000 prisoners taken.Germany suffers setbacks at Stalingrad and El Alamein.Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, and the US enters the war.Allies take Tobruk in North Africa, and resist German attacks.The Blitz continues against Britain's major cities.Hitler begins Operation Barbarossa - the invasion of Russia.British victory in Battle of Britain forces Hitler to postpone invasion plans.British Expeditionary Force evacuated from Dunkirk.Churchill becomes Prime Minister of Britain.German 'Blitzkrieg' overwhelms Belgium, Holland and France.Britain and France declare war on Germany two days later. The second front played a definite role in the war, but far from the great role that bourgeois historiography tries to ascribe to it. By the beginning of May they reached the Elbe and the western regions of Austria and Czechoslovakia, where they met Soviet troops the liberation of Italy was also completed. Taking advantage of their tremendous superiority in forces and means, allied troops carried out a number of successful operations in 1945, the most important of which were the Meuse-Rhine and Ruhr operations. In the second half of 1944, 59 fascist German divisions and 13 brigades were transferred to the Soviet-German front from the countries of Europe, while only 12 divisions and five brigades left the Soviet-German front for the Western Front. In early 1945 the Soviet-German front again diverted the main enemy forces: 195Vi fascist German divisions were active there on January 1 on the Western Front and in Italy, there were 107.


    In September 1944, the Allies carried out the Holland Operation of 1944 however, they were unable to free the Netherlands and go around the Siegfried line. 15, 1944, American and French troops landed in southern France and, advancing quickly, freed southern and southwestern France by September 10. In July and August during the Falaise Operation of 1944, allied forces broke through the defenses of the fascist German troops and, having a considerable superiority in forces and means, they freed all of northwestern France and Paris within a month, with the active support of French partisans. This led to a serious weakening of the strategic position of fascist Germany, al-though the Soviet-German front continued to be the main, decisive one: in the beginning of July 1944, 235 German and allied divisions were active on that front, but on the western front there were only 65 active divisions. Major vic-tories by Soviet troops over the fascist German troops during 1943-44 showed that the Soviet armed forces were capable of freeing the peoples of Europe from Hitler’s yoke by them-selves, and this finally induced the British and American command to open a second front by landing 43 divisions in northwestern France on June 6, 1944. Essentially, these actions did not mean the opening of a second front, and they distracted an insignificant part of the enemy forces. Instead, the British and American command landed troops in North Africa in November 1942, in Sicily in July 1943, and later in southern Italy. However, in accordance with their policies, which were intended to wear out the USSR and Germany and establish world supremacy, the ruling circles in the USA and Great Britain delayed the opening of a second front. The opening of a second front in the west was necessary to distract significant numbers of fascist German troops from the main Soviet-German front and to achieve the fastest possible victory for the Allies of the antifascist coalition. The problem of a second front existed from the time that fascist Germany attacked the USSR on J( see WORLD WAR n, 1939-45). In World War II (1939-45), a battlefront against fascist Germany, which was opened by the USA and Great Britain on June 6, 1944, with the incursion of their troops into northwestern France.

    Second front wwii